February 15, 2019 at 5:38 pm #24060
Stephen Ramsaystephenramsay

    Joe, this is so, so completely awesome. What a great job.

    What I love about this, is that you’re not doing a tedious walk through of every feature — it’s more like “What is cool, weird, new, awesome, non-obvious about this synth,” and I hope you keep the format like that. It’s so useful. Those oscillators are really kind of different, so let’s talk about that. The chorus isn’t really different in terms of how it works, it just happens to be really great sounding.

    I had never really paid attention to this one for some reason (I’m not sure why), but some of these things are really cool (that x-comp is nuts).

    So, people who are impressed can go buy it. People who have no idea what you’re talking about can go buy Syntorial! That’s what I did years ago, and it was life changing. It just seems like a great thing all around, and I hope you make more!